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Old April 14th 05, 05:28 AM
Posts: n/a

I originally wrote:
Can someone suggest how big a blob of concrete and how much rebar I'll
need at the bottom to erect this [tiltover] mast to be freestanding?

Someone wrote:
Contact the manufacturer of the tower and see what they recommend.

I'm pretty-sure it's a home-brew mast probably made from old oil-field pipe!

Someone else wrote:
Keep in mind that some cities engineering departments are ultra
conservative and will double or triple(!) their requirements over
what the tower maker recommends....

Fortunately, I live OUTSIDE the city limits and have enough land that
I can erect it where it won't hit anything of importance if it falls!

Thanks to all who wrote to describe their own tower's blob-size.
--Myron A. Calhoun.
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