Thread: coax
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Old April 14th 05, 07:08 PM
Dave Heil
Posts: n/a

KC1DI wrote:

What type of coax are you using for direct burial ? I need to burry
about 100 feet to get to my new antenna and was wondering if it is
really worth the money to go with bury-flex.
your thought are appreciated.
73 Dave

I used to bury RG-213. It'll last longer if you slide it into some
cheap garden hose before burying. Scrap and second hand hardline is a
better bet and is really long-lasting. I got some new scrap pieces of
over 100' of 1/2" Andrew for free and bought 200' of used 7/8" Andrew
hardline with connectors locally for $50. It replaced 1/2" stuff at
VHF/UHF. The difference is noticeable.

Check with your local broadcast stations and 2-way radio shops.

Dave Heil K8MN