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Old April 14th 05, 05:17 PM
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I know three people whom are originally from Ireland and they live in
England.I have never been to Europe before.(Uncle Sam sent me to Nam in
1964) I suppose what you say about Ireland and the Irish is true.I am
Scotch Irish (more Scotch and more Irish than the Scots and Irish
themselves,This is TRUE) I looked in my Wal Mart Rand McNally Road Atlas
(2001 Updated Version and it says
California,Population: 33,867,600 Land Area,155,973 Square Miles.I did a for, CIA World Factbook Ireland
and Ireland is about the same population and land area as South
Carolina.Ireland,Population: 3,969,558 (July 2004 Estimate) Land
Area,68,890 Square Miles.South Carolina,Population: 3,863,905.Land
Area,30,111 Square Miles.I live in Mississippi (born and raised and I
wouldn't trade Mississippi for all of the rest of the World,Period!) and
Mississippi,Population: 2,766,500.Land Area,46,914 Square Miles.Ireland
is a little over half of the Square Miles Land Area of
Mississippi.Pirate Radio isn't anything new,it has been going on for
many,many years.As far back as the 1950's,I have known there is Pirate
Radio in Ireland.
You can do a for,Pirate Shortwave Radio in Ireland
There might be something there.Ruiari Roddy (Ruiari is
pronounced,Rewery) is an Officer at the Cork,Ireland,Examiner newspaper
(TCM,Thomas Crosbie Media) (Ruiari used to have his own webpage on the
internet,he called it,startofauthority,I guess he stays so busy most of
the time,he let his webpage drop) and the Examiner online used to have
an online chat room.I used to go to that online chat room all the time
and raise hell,but I think they recently closed that chat room down,not
because of me though.A few years ago,a lady in Idaho decided to visit
Ireland in the month of November.When she got back home in Idaho,she got
back in that chat room and said she spent most of her time in Ireland
hanging on to the sides of buildings because those winds over there were
about to blow her away! I had told her before the best time to visit
Ireland is in the month of May.They have Gales (what we call Hurricanes)
over there sometimes and sometimes,those Gales can last for two or three
weeks,or more.