used receiver suitable for logging
Please bear with me, the last scanner I bought was a Pro-43. I'm looking
for something I can hook up to an old computer and let run for a while
logging frequency hits. I'd also like to mess with decoding digital signals
(ACARS, etc.), so a factory-installed unfiltered output would be nice (but
not required), if there are any models that don't require digging inside to
get to the discriminator. Since I've always had hand-held units a base or
mobile might be a nice change. It would also be nice to have something with
a fairly well-documented PC interface so I could try to create my own
logging/control/decoding software. I bet any number of Bearcats that have
been around for a while would do the job, but thought I'd ask for a
recommendation before watching ebay or the swap meets. What do you all
suggest, at a variety of price points?