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Old October 20th 03, 02:02 AM
RP Jones
Posts: n/a

Please get it out of here before my wife kills me.

What the hell kind of pitiful post is this !!
You should be ashamed of your self, the whole population here must laughing
at you.

For Christ sake put on some pants !
Before you know it's the cat, boat, RV, stuffed sharks, Drums, dirt bikes,
R-390, remote controlled helicopter THEN YOU !!!

Figures you not collector or Ham YOUR DOING IT ALL WRONG
Take it from us professionals !!!
You supposed to visit the local dump to get some large useless junk hidden
or in the trunk around to put at the curb every week then "look sad".
This way it looks like you made a sacrifice and "cleaned" every week.

-RP Jones

"Who" wrote in message

Ok, I finally have all the pictures completed on my SX-28 Skyrider.
The best price for the whole package in the Los Angeles area takes
it.(or I'll ship it if the buyer makes the arraignments. I don't have
the time)

First $500 dollar offer takes it.
Here's what you get in the Package

1) the Radio in a military case (with extra glass vu meter cover that
goes over the left dial)

2) the standard SX 28 case

3) a Hallicrafters R-42 speaker

4) a framed original ad for the radio from the War.

Sorry for the delay in posting this. Please get it out of here before
my wife kills me.
The radio in working order(can use a tune up I'm sure).

I am not a ham Please get it out of here before
my wife kills me.

Please get it out of here before
my wife kills me.

or electrician