m II wrote:
Honus wrote:
Do you know what would happen?
Deep breath
His hands would shake from all of that whiskey that he surely must be
drinking to excess, he'd miss the abnormally tiny bit of his brain where a
bullet would do us any good, he'd end up more of a veggie than he already
is, someone would want the plug pulled (and who wouldn't?), we'd learn to
our dismay (but not our surprise) that after all of his bitching about Terry
Schiavo he himself hadn't bothered to write up a living will, and then we'd
all end up hearing about him every day for the next fifteen ****ing years.
No thank you.
Let me say I respect life and the beauty of all creation. With this lifelong
attitude of caring and compassion, I'd like to offer my help. I will take it
upon myself to guide his trembling hand, assuring a glorious, albeit splattered
crimson, end to his quest for completion and fulfillment...as limited and
unenlightened as it may be.
Thank you , but there's no need to thank me..it's something ANY caring human
being would do, in order to alleviate the suffering this shell, this shadow of a
human being must be going through. The poor soul doesn't even recognize the
pitiable state he's in. Heck..dregs are a HUGE step up on the evolutionary ladder.
And someday those in CanaDuh will make it up to the next rung.
Continue to tote.