whatever it is.... its evil
"Fredrick Garvin" wrote in message

On Sat, 16 Apr 2005 01:14:03 +0100, SR expelled the following:
I was wondering if satellite Radio by Sirius is a live broadcast? Or
whenever you turn the radio on, you have the choice to hear an earlier
broadcast at a latter time?
I don't have Sirius (I have XM) but I think that's a no.
Also, if you are a subscriber, do you get a free program guide in the
mail? Or you have to go on their website to get a program guild?
They made a better looking Satellite radio by Tivoli. I do not like
very tech looking satellite radio that looks like a walkman. I find
very cheap and confussing looking.
Should I ever move on to satellite radio, I would like a nice table top
wooden radio. With lots of knobs.
Out of luck I think.
And I would hope to hear a commercial free Coast to Coast
program(AM)with Art Bell.
XM has Art. Not sure about commercial free though as I don't listen to
that crap.
I would say that Tivoli makes nice sounding radios. I hope that they
make more large wooden radios with shortwave included.
It would be really cool, if a satellite radio could have a monitor in
it, giving more information. But controlled by knobs.
Also, when they say that a Sirius or xm satellite radio has am/fm, does
that means that the am/fm signal is a radio signal or a satellite
signal? -They should better explain these things.
73, SR
Go to their web sites and check them both out. I've had XM for 2 years
now and love it. I know XM sends out channel guides.