SR wrote:
I was wondering if satellite Radio by Sirius is a live broadcast? Or
whenever you turn the radio on, you have the choice to hear an
broadcast at a latter time?
Also, if you are a subscriber, do you get a free program guide in the
mail? Or you have to go on their website to get a program guild?
They made a better looking Satellite radio by Tivoli. I do not like
those very tech looking satellite radio that looks like a walkman. I
find them very cheap and confussing looking.
Should I ever move on to satellite radio, I would like a nice table
wooden radio. With lots of knobs.
And I would hope to hear a commercial free Coast to Coast
program(AM)with Art Bell.
I would say that Tivoli makes nice sounding radios. I hope that they
make more large wooden radios with shortwave included.
It would be really cool, if a satellite radio could have a monitor in
it, giving more information. But controlled by knobs.
Also, when they say that a Sirius or xm satellite radio has am/fm,
that means that the am/fm signal is a radio signal or a satellite
signal? -They should better explain these things.
73, SR
The best thing for you to do is fix whatever problems you're having
with your antenna. I understand that the problems must be quite serious
for you to be considering satellite radio, but think of them as
challenges, not problems. You could even describe them for the group
and someone might be able to help you.
Assuming you don't want to fix your antenna, you still don't need to
bend over for XM or Sirius. The internet has more content than
either/both of these services, so get whatever you need in order access