Thank you for all of your suggestions. I think it works but there could be
a problem with my set-up. I notice that when I tune the rig, if I key down
my mic when in cw mode, I get some output (neglegible, but pwr nonetheless)
but my swr is off the scale. I have a loaded alpha-delta 40m dipole in the
attic fed with coax as well as a standard 20m dipole in the attic. How do I
tune the rig then tune the antenna? I do not have a dummy load yet but with
my last rig, tuning output was but 3 watts. (A very low power lid I guess,
sorry) Now that I have 100 watts, I may need to purchase a roller
inductance tuner i.e. mfj-969. Any suggestions welcome.
"Cmd Buzz Corey" wrote in message
G. Doughty wrote:
Hi all,
Settings are all good, however, I am seeing some output when I key down
the mike in cw mode. When I go to usb, lsb, I get nothing. I am also
using attic antennas into a tuner. rig-swr meter-tuner
Did you verify that the jumper is in place on the back connector for the
screen voltage for the finals?