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Old April 16th 05, 07:33 PM
Posts: n/a

HI, check this also.
The FT-847 gives the most bang for your buck!!
For VHF UHF SSB work it is a wonderful radio!! The receiver is HOT!
Remember, it's a satellite radio, so it needs to be hot!
I have no problems on HF also.
The only problem I have (as many) is the volume control has sort of a
tick to it.
Instead of smooth operation (95% of the control is fine)
It goes sort of like this.....
0 = vol off 10 = full vol.
1.... 2.....3.....5..... 6...... 7......8.......9.......10...
In other words it jumps from a 3 to a 5.
Not worth getting a tizzy about.
You can get a used 847 from about $750 - $1000 in good working order.

73 and good luck

================================================== ==========

radiofun wrote:

Got a question for anyone with all-mode VHF-UHF experience. I want some
input on the several rigs available for this. Yaesu FT-847, 897, 857, Icom
706, 910, etc. Any pros and cons on these radios, or suggestions?? I'm
planning on getting something for SSB in the VHF-UHF spectrum, and don't
know a lot about it up there. Thanks for your help.
