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Old April 17th 05, 04:20 PM
§ Dr. Artaud §
Posts: n/a

"§ Dr. Artaud §" wrote in

Last night's net was one of the most unusual that I have ever heard. They
actually, (drum roll please), talked about, are you ready for this,
Amateur Radio Issues. Not meaning to misrepresent the issue, they started
the evening with the usual politics, but digressed into talk of celestial
cameras and film, then moved to marveling at HAM related issues.

Eventually, a HAM named Frank showed up and started trouble with Al, even
though AL was not on at the time. Al was apparently listening while using
his computer to do other things. The only time that I have ever heard
Frank was when he is causing trouble. I wish I had gotten his call sign.

Interesting, until Frank arrived. I was incredulous that Al and Vic of
the 'net permitted themselves to be rankled by this curmudgeon. (for
those of you prone to overreacting, I am not suggesting that Al or Vic
have any control over the frequency, I am suggesting that they may have
utilized more control over themselves, especially since I believe that
this would really have disturbed Frank.

It was quite quiet interference wise last night. There was one, maybe
more, HAMS using mobiles to participate. The signal meter on my Yaesu
FRG-100 was falling completely to zero in between the conversations. Only
a slight rise in the level could be seen as some of the participants
spoke, yet they could be understood easily.


Dr. Artaud

Liberty Net 3950 KHz LSB, some of the participants are not yielding
strong signals. You need to listen for awhile.

Dr. Artaud