wrote in message
It's been a long time coming, but finally I have to appeal to the
general population to donate for me to continue my college education.
I come from a low income home where college was never an option for my
brothers and sisters. I have worked hard to get federal loans and
state grants, but the ammount of money they make avaliable to me is
just very low. I scored great on my SATs and got into a wonderful
college that I love, but because of money I may not be able to
continue. I know that 99% of you will pass this over, but I could use
the help and I would appreciate as much as anyone could spare. Write
you name in the donation list and I will try to thank you later on in
You can donate to my e-mail on Paypal.
Here's a couple ideas.... A job - as someone else mentioned, loans on your
name from a bank - they are usually deferred until you graduate, grants - if
you qualify, internships, perhaps a scholarship. Your approach isn't much
different than a pan handler in any city "I'm poor, give me your spare
change". If you were as smart as you say, you'd have found a way to satisfy
your tuition requirements. You probably would have had a or a couple
"scholarships" given to you. There are public agencies to turn to. This BS
about you " "TRYING" TO THANK" the donators' later on in life, is a crock.
You'll forget the names as soon as you get the money. Many bust their ass to
work and go to school. You won't be any worse for the wear and tear by doing
the same. Melt the lead out of your ass, get out and do something. Also, if
you're low income, ever think of "Community" colleges? They're a lot more
affordable than many other schools. OR perhaps consider a "Trade" school.
Get a degree or certification, get a better job and put yourself through
college that way. We can't always have what we want.
You have to live within your means. So you have to start at the bottom and
work your way up.... lots of people did that.
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