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Old April 18th 05, 02:19 AM
Mike Andrews
Posts: n/a

In . net (, Dan/W4NTI wrote:

You know what THE MAIN reason was that I learned it? Because I was curious
as to what all those beeps and bops were saying that I was hearing on my

And it has been a blast ever since.

Look at it this many people do you know that can talk with
their fingers?

A few hundred, myself: consider the people who use American Sign Language,
for one set, plus all the folks who fingerspell, those who use Signed
English, and so on. Not all of 'em are deaf, either: I promised my wife I
would learn ASL if she passed Element 1. I'm getting a head start in my
promise, because she's doing very well -- and she's working full-time and
just a Master's in Education.

Sleep? What's that?

1 Bryant (B) = 4577 books; 1 Ha'bryant = 2289 books
1 Sitter (or Room) = 1104 books; 1 Dinky = 161 books
1 Wallshelf = 23 books; 1 Bedside = 17 books
-- Robert Uhl, in asr