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Old April 18th 05, 04:25 AM
Posts: n/a
Default A sad observation

It does appear that the dxAce is having a rough time.
He responded three (that is 3 for you ace) times to my
one post at an attempt to avoid a flame war.

OK dxass flame away, with every post you show your true
colors. So sad. You clearly know your RF stuff, too damn
bad and sad that you are such a silly jerk. You remind
me of the mindless jocks back in high school who had no
social skills.

If you ever want to join the human race and stop being a small
minded jerk please do. Until then flame away.

I have been flamed by experts and you are not worth to carry thier

I would still prefer to avoid the upcoming flame war, but with a
vain idiot like you it is unlikely.

As to my mispellings, so what, Oh I forgot, you are the all mighty
perfect one. Thank God I am not perfect and I have never claimed to be.

While cuhulin posts are rambling and rather hard to understand, he
lacks your mean spirit. And he is clearly a much nicer person.

And to your cousin Burr, man I wouldn't claim any kinship to dxass, I
am embarrassed enough to be in the same species as him.

I will try to ignore your childish outbursts because clearly you really
don't care what he rest of the human race thinks.

While I know I am dreaming, to those who do not enjoy dxass's posts,
attacks and general nastiness launch a new policy to ignore, to not
respond to, or comment on his ravings. From my expereince with spoiled
children who are "acting out", the surest way to insure the undesired
behavior continues is to pay attention. Ignore all his ranting and he
will find other outlets for his anger.
