On Mon, 18 Apr 2005 05:23:22 -0400, "Pope ChocolateChipCookie I"
Click he http://noosphere.princeton.edu/
Yes, interesting project. Sadly, the link only provides a sample of
the 'eggs' and therefore one cannot extrapolate that a significant
future event may occur. This according to the researchers.
When you get to the above site, click on THE REALTIME DISPLAY
which is on the RIGHT side of the display.
A GLOBAL NETWORK of electronic devices produces continuous
random data sequences. Subtle patterns in the data are linked with
events that cause shared thoughts and emotions in millions of people.
The results challenge common ideas about the world, but independent
analyses confirm the unexpected patterns, and also indicate that they
cannot be attributed to ordinary physical forces or electromagnetic fields.
Maybe. I would think this project is on the order of hypothesis.
The Global Consciousness Project (GCP) is an international
collaboration created in 1998 to study the subtle reach of human
consciousness in the physical world. We maintain a network
of random event generators (REGs) with nodes in more than
50 locations, from Alaska to Fiji, on all continents, and in
nearly every time zone. The world map on the right has a
bright spot for each of the host sites.
Fed up with illegal immigration?
"Cosmic upheaval is not so moving as a little child pondering the death
of a sparrow in the corner of a barn." -Anouk Aimee, French Actor
"Death is better, a milder fate than tyranny", Aeschylus (525BC-456BC),
"I wear no Burka." - Mother Nature
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