Trading Boatanchors
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April 18th 05, 05:55 PM
Al Link, K4ICL
Posts: n/a
Take a peek at the "10 Scale" item on
....might be helpful.
Al Link
139 Turner Circle
Greenville, SC 29609
864 420-4652 Cell
wrote in message
I think it is time for we Boatanchor traders to adopt a code or
defination of terms describing the condition of these old jewels..I
have never used the term "MINT" or used the term "RESTORED" me
Restored means spending $400 on graphic work etc. on a front panel for
a 75.00 boatanchor.. I have never seen a Mint 60 year old radio..I
guess what I am saying is, I am tired of people buying a good
working,good looking old radio and expecting it to not have one
blemish..Of course I can put in my own disclaimers, but ,don`t you
think that we could agree on a standard that we could all live with?
Or "most" all of us could live with..What do you think.. W4PQW
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