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Old April 19th 05, 01:10 AM
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Default Headphones for SWL

In the past I have always used any old headphones for SWL. They almost
always had a wide frequency response somewhere around 20-20KHz. Recently I
acquired a pair of closed ear Sony MDR-7502's ($50). They are smaller than
the typical hi-fi phones, lighter and very comfortable. They are well made
and not cheap like walkman type phones. Perfect for portables which is why
I bought them.

One thing I noticed that these phones have a narrower freq. response of
about 60-16KHz. I had always known that hi-fi phones were not necessary and
often fatiguing for SWL. Using these 7502's I now concur with that

Knowing this I am now considering a pair of Kenwood HS-5's for the desktop
receiver which is even more narrow in freq. response of around 150-4KHz. I
was wondering if they are worth it for SWL? Does the 4KHz cut-off subtract
appreciably from the program listening experience? Are they designed mainly
for SSB/CW listening?

It took my ears a few weeks to get used to the 7502's slightly less "high's"
in the ear. But I find that now I have much less listeners fatigue without
the "hiss" in the background. Should I expect a similar experience with the