The house is cold (NW.N.J.). Time to warm up
the area with the heating power of an SX11 with an open lid.... Those
6L6's can
warm up any space... And I get to hear opinions from all over the world...
I hear you Mark, great thread. I've had the 140X on since 530pm and it is
extremely warm. I always have the cabinet off that particular piece so it
does 'spead out the warmth.' :-)
I highly advice if you have two boatanchors, somewhat close to each other,
to keep the cabinet off one of them. It has started many a conversations
when people visit my office/shack for the first time.
^~^~^Monitoring The Spectrum^~^~^~^
*********Hammarlund129X & 140X**********
^^^^^^^^Heathkit Q Multiplier^^^^^^^^^
*~*~++++++GO BEARCATS++++++~*~*~
GE P-780