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Old April 19th 05, 04:48 PM
Stephen M.H. Lawrence
Posts: n/a

Beautiful but impoverished.

I was born in eastern KY in teh early 50's and
my parents moved to Lexington whne I was
3 months old. We own the old family "homestead",
but it would be hard to scratch out a living there.

I do like eastern KY for the scenery and the DXing

Crystal meth and oxycodone have hit the mountain folk hard.
At times it feels like everyone left is either a speed freak
or oxy adict.


How awful. Well, I was there over a decade ago, and I saw
the same thing happening in Topeka at that time. That's some
pretty insidious garbage, and I count my blessings that I'm not
predisposed to anything more addictive than coffee and cigars.

I do remember looking at a number of "pastures" and wondering
how they could scratch out anything but goats or sheep with
a soil depth of 3 inches, and fields *full* of rocks, though.

I've got a friend in Bean Station, TN with the same kind of
soils, but the guy's a genius, and has managed to raise hogs
and chickens on his 40 acres.

You're absolutely correct about the DX potential of that locale.
I spent a week with my friend in Bean Station, and at the time,
he was building his home (I did his wiring), and was surprised
at the lack of electrical noise. The old FRG-7 "heard" some
stuff that is usually "unhearable" here in the Twin Cities. I also had
an AEA DX Handie and ten meters was open. What fun!



Steve Lawrence
Burnsville, Minnesota

Every moment of a human life is an act of worship.

Coincidence is God's way of being anonymous.