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  #6   Report Post  
Old April 19th 05, 08:31 PM
Posts: n/a

But a big help is if you can put up some sort of a receive only
antenna. It
makes DX on the low band much more fun. ............

Also...Would probably have more luck on the transmit end,
using some type of vertical. 20 ft high is pretty low for a 160
dipole...Makes long haul DX not for the faint of heart...
But....It can be done with a low wire, if the band is *real* quiet...
I remember back when I first started working 160 , I worked
HI three times in one winter, using just a 80m dipole fed like
a vertical from the shack, and about 120w. But it was quiet
that year, and my antenna was more like 36 ft high instead
of 20...Might try feeding that dipole like a vertical on 160m, just
as a test...Might surprise you...I bet on long haul, it does better
shorted, and fed like a vertical, than when running it normally...
You can compare just on receive to tell which would be best..
The DX will be history soon on 160, except for those with super
receive antennas...The noise is coming back up slowly...
You may have to wait till next winter unless you get lucky and
get some more quiet nights before summer...:/ MK