Anyone out there have the specs on an EEV(English Electric Valve) Variable
Vacuum Capacitor
#UC600A-6-70, or failing that, have a cross-reference for it to Jennings,
Comet, etc.?? Need to determine the range and voltage.
This being a homebrew =home'do' newsgroup ,may I suggest you check the
capacitance range with (for example) a MFJ 259B analyser (bought or
borrowed). This enables you to check capacitance range at RF frequencies up
to 170 MHz.
Max operating voltage can be checked with a 'HiPot' tester which can be
homebrewed or perhaps borrowed (local radio club member ) If you have
other High Voltage components to be tested , it is very much worthwhile to
homebrew a Hipot tester.
Have a look at Rich Measures AG6K's website .
I am the happy owner of a Danish made 30kV non-destructive insulation tester
,bought from a surplus store for equiv. $ 30.-
This instrument determines the breakdown voltage (in 3 ranges : 0 - 3 , 30
and 30 kV ) of components at a current down to 1 microampere.
Frank GM0CSZ / KN6WH.