N9OGL wrote:
Not at all, you can get on my blog and do that **** or on here, I
don't want you doing it to me on ICQ or Echolink.
First of all, Todd, you write and post like an idiot on RRAP where
you have TIME to stop, go back, and correct your typing and grammatical
You obviously don't do it...So WHY would I try to communicate with
you on ICQ where it's all short time if not real time keyboard
And I guess you haven't heard, but ECHOLINK is not YOURS to decide
who says what on....And if you thnk I'd connect to your repeater,
you're sadly mistaken.
You've already expressed your willingness to violate, in no un
certain terms, any federal law you care to....I ahve no doubt you talk
on the air like you do on here...And I don't need it.
Steve, K4YZ