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Old April 20th 05, 02:50 PM
Posts: n/a

Please review the informatin at:

And note that a resistive splitter has:

"Resistive power dividers are easy to understand, can be made very
and are naturally wideband, working down to zero frequency (DC). Their
side is that a two-way resistive splitter suffers 3 dB of real
resistive loss, as
opposed to a lossless splitter like a hybrid. Accounting for the 3 dB
real loss
and the 3 dB power split, the net power transfer loss you will observe
from the
input to one of the two outputs is 6.04 dB for a two-way resistive
(Thanks, Dr. BKS, for helping us clarify that point!)"

I own a Mini Circuits ZFSC-2-.
It has a measured insertion loss of less then 3.5dB for 100KHz through

Another strength of tranformer based hybrids/power splitters is the
isolation between power out ports.

The Mini circuits ZFSC-2-1is rated for:
5 MHz 25dB isolation
midband (~450MHz) 20dB isolation
500MHz 20 isolation
These are minimum not typ[ical.

My unit has been measued to have better then 25dB isolation
between the power out ports from ~250KHz to above 30MHz.
The isolation start to creep up below 250KHZ reaching
a minimum of ~21dB at 100KHz.
Below 100KHz the loss starts increasing and by 10KHZ the
loss is just over 9dB and the isolation is down to just less then 15dB.

The "roll your own splitter" page gives some real world loss and
isolation data:

MiniCircuits isloation PDF

MiniCircuits hybrid/power splitter PDF

Quoting again frm the article on resistive splitters:
"To put it simply, the resistive splitter has double the dBs compared
to a lossless
splitter's insertion loss. Thus a two-way resistive splitter transfers
-6.04 dB power to
each arm, a three-way splitter transfers -9.44 dB, a four-way transfers
-12.08 db, etc."

"The isolation of a resistive splitter is equal to its insertion loss."

I hope that we can all agree that 3.5 dB loss is much better then 6dB
loss and that 20dB
isolation is better then 12dB isolation. I ued the wort case bad specs
from minicircuits for loss
and isolation.

In the microwave world resitive splitters are the rule. In HF/VHF/UFH
transformer splitters appear
to dominate.
