dmt wrote:
Is this the 6217 that sold a week or two ago on Ebay? If yes, that
seller claimed the receiver was in good condition and working
properly. It does sound like you need to learn the subtleties of
operating the RA6217, but on the other hand if this is the same item
that was representetd as being in good shape, perhaps the seller
should be drawn into the conversation?!?
Oh, no; I've had this one for ... 3 or 4 years now, and just haven't dug
into it, what with losing a wife to MS, getting married again, moving the
new wife and The Boy and The Dog and The Cats in. I've done well to get my
General and Extra and scoop out a place for the R-390.
I bought it (the 6217E) as-is, and that's what I got. I've had
considerable time to fiddle with it, and done a fair amount of fiddling,
but it just isn't all that happy a receiver.
Pointers to the NTE replacements, or (even better) to the original Ge input
transistors will be very greatly appreciated indeed.
Mike Andrews, W5EGO
Tired old sysadmin