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Old August 31st 03, 10:56 PM
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Default Comet VA30 (base loaded tri-band dipole 40/15/10)

Hi OM's

Last year during a Dutch Ham fair I bought myself a Comet VA30. This is a
shortened base loaded multiband dipole for 7/21/28 MHz. The manual that was
included was Japanese. I was able to figure out the correct dimensions
(depending on how you setup the antenna e.g. as a horizontal dipole or (3
x ) vertical with one (3 x) radial per band.

The instructions about a capacitor that's supposed to be in parallel with
the feedpoint is unreadable. I know that (heavily) shortened dipoles need
some kind of adaption to get a VSWR of 1:1 @ 50 Ohm. Two caps (small ceramic
disc type, probably in 100's of pF range) are included but I'm not sure
which one to use. I've used one, the other, both and none, but VSWR is
terrible on all three bands.

I know I can't expect micacles from a 2 x 9 ft dipole on 40 meters, but I
should do OK on 15 and 10 I guess. Because of it's size it's ideal for on
holidays but last one was no success at all. Anyone has any experience with
this antenna and/or maybe has an English (German, French or Dutch OK too)
manual for the Comet VA30?!


Rgrds, Pleun (PA3HHO)