"MnMikew" wrote:
Yes I'll give the Canadians that. Nothing like a real Molson or Canadian
Club. Old Style is my beer of choice when Im over in cheeseland at the
property.You don't really see it in MN anymore, well, in bars anyway. I
think that Old Style is fully Krausened(sp?) anymore.
Hey, you'll be happy to know that the old krauesening warehouse is still
there, in downtown LaCrosse, and they're krauesening their butts off.
Old Style is tasty, but it seems to give me the runs. The last time I drank
Old Style, I was eating chili dogs. Wait a minute, I just put 2 and 2
Steve Lawrence
Burnsville, Minnesota
Every moment of a human life is an act
of worship.
Coincidence is God's way of being anonymous.