"David" wrote in message
On Thu, 21 Apr 2005 12:40:49 -0500, "MnMikew"
"David" wrote in message
.. .
On Thu, 21 Apr 2005 09:29:37 -0500, wrote:
Now,Beer,I understand,but what does crapping have to do with Shortwave
Radio? Hey,do y'all know? Mississippi is the Catfish Capital.
www.dogpile.com Mississippi Catfish on Parade
Mississippi Catfish Bound for Iraq.Clarion Ledger.
Fish is bad for you. It contains heavy metals that poison you. Blame
the Republicans.
Ahhh the liberal mantra. Typical.
Got nothing to do with Liberals or meditation. Republicans are the
ones who let the power companies regulate themselves. Moreso than
Democratics, anyway.
Facts is facts.
Moreso than Democrats? But you place the blame fully on Repubs just like a
typical liberal koolaid drinker. Dems have F'd up this Country just as much
as Repubs ever have. Again your bring up facts but have none.