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Old April 22nd 05, 10:50 AM
Posts: n/a

On Fri, 22 Apr 2005 08:43:49 +0100, Woody wrote:

Specifically, Ofcom will NOT recommend any options to make
the amateur radio service WT Act licence-exempt; however, for
transparency and completeness, this will be put forward as an
option in the public consultation in order to gather the
community's views ....."

How the hell does the above translate into this...

Looks like 100 years plus of amateur radio history in the UK could soon
go the same way as the 24GHz band i.e. licence excempt - no exams, no
callsigns, just CB!

The one translates into the other via the last part of the first item
you quoted, which, again, is "...however, for transparency and
completeness, this will be put forward as an option in the public
consultation in order to gather the community's views."

Although there can be little doubt about the nature of the special
pleading by NuRSGB in its meeting with OFCOM, the latter have well and
truly shafted the former by going ahead anyway. That the final wording
might say "specifically not recommended", the proposal is nevertheless
on the table for "the community" to comment on. That is, if someone
wants a deregulated Amateur Radio system in this country, they can
write in and ask for it. If OFCOM get enough of these, then they may
feel that that is enough authority on which to go ahead.

Stand by for yet more special pleading from NuRSGB, as they see the
concept of The Governing Body of Amateur Radio slipping from their
grasp. HTH
Aero Spike