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Old April 22nd 05, 02:55 PM
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"K4YZ" wrote in message

Brian wrote:
"bb" wrote in message

G1LVN wrote:

Looks like 100 years plus of amateur radio history in the UK

go the same way as the 24GHz band i.e. licence excempt - no

exams, no
callsigns, just CB!


24GHz, huh? What's that?

The thin end of the wedge my boy, thats what it is.

That it is, Sir, that it is...However it's a rusty wedge, becasue
that's been the history of the Amateur Service (at least here in the
Colonies) since the inception of Radio.

Everytime it's been in the best COMMERCIAL interests to do so,
Amateurs were moverd higher and higher up the spectrum until those very
same commercial interests decided they were ready to populate those
same higher bands.

And truth be said, just how much use are we (Amateurs) making of
those bands? There's probably not even 100 guys here in the States
that make use of those bands, and even if the number is 10 times that,
it still doesn't warrant holding them back for development.

Oh, I certainly believe we need to hold some slices open for
Amateur and experimentals, but the bottom line is that it's unrealistic
to expect that that amount of "radio real estate" would be held for our
exclusive use.


Steve, K4YZ

Well history has revealed that radio amateurs were pushed further up the
frequency scale simply because they (the authorities) thought it was of no
use commercially. Look at Short Wave, it was the radio amateurs who
discovered that one could work the world on short waves. Radio amateurs who
discovered (or was it invented) SSB. Now of course there are fewer things
for us radio amateurs to give the world (for free of course) so our
existance is tolerated. However it looks like that tolerance (at least in
the UK) is about to be curtailed.