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Old April 22nd 05, 11:03 PM
Posts: n/a

N9OGL wrote:
Amateurs on the Usenet are now using the
###hole Radio Relay League (ARRL) FCC Amateur Auxiliary to suppress

right to free speech over the air waves.

No one has suppressed anything, Todd. You're still an idiot and
acting like a fool, and we're still having a good time watching you!

The ###hole Radio Relay League
FCC Amateur Auxiliary apparently has me on a list so their little
monitoring stations can monitor my transmission to see if I'm running
an informational bulletin so they can send the Gestapo to my house

suppress my right to free speech on the radio, just like the little
NAZIS they really are.

The WHO, Todd? I did a search on that name and couldn't find any
hits. I think you're making it up. You're not LYING, are you?

The reason for the list is because some little
cry babies on the newgroup believe that information bulletins can be
opinionated and by running a opinionated information bulletin it
constitutes "broadcasting"

Whine, whine, whine, Todd.

Information bulletin. A message directed only to amateur operators
consisting solely of subject matter of direct interest to the amateur

The key phrase in there, Todd, is "solely of subject matter of
direct interest to the amateur service".

What could the ramblings of a functionally illiterate,
foul-mouthed wiener like you have of interest to the Amateur Radio

NO WHERE in that definition does it state an information has to be a
NEWSCAST. But, there are ###hole amateur's out there that are using
their ###HOLE radio Relay League to suppress FREE SPEECH. It just


Here you are making these aspurgences, Todd, and not a single
shred of ANY evidence of ANY one supressing anything.

That makes you a LIAR on top of everything else that you already
suffer from.

Way to go.

Steve, K4YZ