Be Sure To Get Toiddie's New Schedule N9OGL to QRM HF Again.
N9OGL is going to announce the HF radio schedule for 2005 next week. It
will consist of HF bands, Time and Day. No changes to the VHF schedule
will be changed.
"No changes to the VHF schedule will be changed".
And he wonders why we're laughing our butt's off at his expense!
Hey Todd...I wonder why you insist on calling your "blog" "The
Voice Of Amateur Radio" when you CLEARLY hate Amateur Radio and Amateur
Radio opertors, other than yourself.
Almost everyhing you've "published" on your "blog" is mistruthful,
deceitful, concocted or out and out obscene and threatening.
Your "blog" is NOT "The Voice of Amateur Radio" and the title is a
blatant and transparent lie.
Steve, K4YZ