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Old April 23rd 05, 04:19 PM
Posts: n/a

N9OGL wrote:
And W1AW gives me information I can use. They are also the agency
the FCC goes to when there are "communications emergencies" to be

Well i don't find their "information" of interest so perhaps we

get rid of of it.

But why, Todd?

It IS information directly related to the Amateur Radio
Service...So unless you've been lying to us all along, the atuff ARRL
transmits on it's (true) information bulletins should sound a lot like


N9OGL is NOT the "agency" they go to in order to get that
information out.

steven, here you go again telling half truth's show me the rule that
states an "agency" or "club" is allowed only to run information

That's not what I said, Todd.

I said the ARRL is the Agency that the FCC goes to when it needs
to get communication's emergency messages out.

That is absolutely true.

I did NOT state who could be that provider.

You do not possess the resources to do what W1AW does. You're a
make believe broadcaster with a chip on his shoulder.

you don't need a lot of money to run an information bulletin, but
steven, I'm not going to worry about it.

Of course you're not. You'll continue to offer your once-a-week
disc jockey wannabe "show" with information that is of no use to anyone
since it's probably already a week old.

W1AW, on the otherhand, provides THEIR bulletins several times a
day, on multiple bands and in multiple modes. You'll hear W1AW unless
the ionosphere is torn away or there is an EMP.

Since you don't want to
complain except on here, I've sent some letters off two days ago and

hope they will resolve this problem.

I am sure you did send off some letters. Did you remember which
corner to get the stamp into, and did you use pen instead of crayon
this time?

So steven you stay on here and
whine like the little ARRL ##### you really are.

As opposed to the cowadrly, fouled mouth punk YOU are, Todd...?!?!

No problem!

BTW, Todd...Has it escaped your attention that I've NEVER stated
that I represent the ARRL...?!?!

Steve, K4YZ