The Twilight Zone
Shortwave shows, especially the American conspiracy type, rely so much on
implicating one group or another as being in charge of the New World
Order. Catholics this week, Jews the next, Germans, Arabs, Mexicans, and
so forth.
Yesterday, an episode the Twilight Zone came to mind. (I believe it was
the Twilight Zone, half the time my mind is in the Twilight Zone). In the
episode in question, a woman was raped. Of course, she was devastated,
and no matter how much her husband tried to comfort her, she remained
inconsolable. She was obsessed with getting revenge, she wanted to see
the death of the man that violated her.
Her husband, very reluctantly and as a desperate final step, agreed to
help her find the perpetrator, and he would kill him. They set about
driving around the city, looking for the man. Suddenly, she perked up and
said "that's him". Etc. etc. etc. Anyway, after confirming that he was
indeed the rapist, the husband followed him into a parking garage and
shot him dead.
Finally it was over, her husband hoped that she would begin to improve
psychologically, he reassured her that the man was dead and no longer a
concern, and that revenge had been exacted. As they began to drive away
from the scene of the murder, his wife spotted another man and exclaimed
"that's him", and the next man she saw she again said the same.
Obviously, her husband was horrified, as the man that he had just killed
was probably innocent.
These hosts act as if they are the wife in the above story. They see
rapists everywhere. It doesn't matter whether it is Pastor Peters or Alex
Jones, Brother Stair or John Stadtmiller, to them everyone is conspiring.
I wish that they would venture into harmless absurdities once in awhile.
Alex could have a UFOlogist on, John could have a parapsychologist. I've
actually enjoyed a "FEW" of Steve Quayle's more bizarre shows. Even
(shudder!) Jackie Patru has had one or two interesting shows over the
years. But not Alex or John, the same stuff every day, day in and day
out, day in and day out, day in and day out.
I don't believe that the American shortwave stations could survive
without the Patriot shows, 24 hours day of Pastor Peters and Brother
Stair would be too much for the airwaves to bear. I do wish that the
American Shortwave stations would try various forms of programming that
are consistent with their ideologies, but that it in itself is a problem,
as the stations themselves are religious, and the trend is to be offended
by the Easter Bunny, Christmas Trees, you name it. It's not likely that
there is much room for, (I hate this word), "diversity" in programming.
Perhaps some comedy shows would be nice, but no doubt they would find
offense even there.
Too bad, there are more than enough willing ears for the shows.
Dr. Artaud