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Old April 24th 05, 04:26 AM
Mel A. Nomah
Posts: n/a

"CW" wrote in message

: Can someone fill me in on the players here?

CW (Love your screen name),

Here are quick thumbnails of a few of the most-regular players:

First, the ying and yang of rrap, both vainglorious and pompous, but of
opposite polarity --- Steve (K4YZ) and Len (not licensed). A perfectly
matched push-pull circuit with 180-degree out of phase connections resulting
in zero-useful-output.

The mindless gadfly, Brian (N0IMD). Like one of those annoying bugs who
slips in on a hot summer night and disturbs your sleep. After awhile he
becomes part of the background noise and you don't even notice him until
suddenly he lands on your nose just as you were dozing off.

Then the self important but also completely innefective trio of Jim (N2EY),
Dee (N8UZE), and Hansl (K0HB). These three are all well meaning dufus's who
need to rent a clue about the real world.

Resident potty face, Tod (N9OGL). 37-years old, going on 8. Learned a
bunch of naughty words during recess, and seems afraid of the bogey man, so
he makes a lot of loud incoherent noise to scare away the ghost under the

Everyone else you can pretty much ignore. Now that I think of it, you can
ignore the ones listed above too.

"I have never made but one prayer to God, a very short one: "O Lord,
make my enemies ridiculous." And God granted it."
- Voltaire