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Old April 24th 05, 04:46 AM
Baxter Blows Monkeys
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Default Alternate Diagnosis

Case Opinion #3,456

Sigmund Freud (another confused Jew) would have said that Roger is an
obsessive compulsive and a repressed homosexual. Roger obsesses
constantly, not only about that which he lacks, e.g., a male member
(penis envy) but also about a place to stick it (Lloyd's rectum)(what
Roger continually refers to as "Lardass").

Roger suffers from a case of unrequited homosexual love. His love
object is quite obviously Lloyd. Roger is so obsessed with his love
object that he sees Lloyd everywhere and is positively fixated on the
fantasy of engaging in sexual congress with Lloyd Davies. Anyone who
answers a post from a variety of Roger's nyms and anonymous remailer's
is immediately labled "Lloyd."

Since Roger is homosexually repressed, he cannot come out and ask Lloyd
for a date directly. The only way his primitive defenses can cope with
his desire for Lloyd is to project onto Lloyd those fears of which he
(Roger) himself is terrified.

Roger keeps in constant, daily, nearly hourly contact with Lloyd by
fantasizing, and then posting his fantasies about Lloyd. Those familiar
with this sad case of homosexual repression will recognize the
hallmarks of this compulsion immediately.

In addition to the obsessive homosexual nature of this handicap, Roger
has obviously been sexually abused on multiple occasions, most likely
by a male member of his own family. His recurrent references to
homosexual anal sex are replete with fantasies of male dominance and
submission. His constant references to anal sex and the posting of
pictures and links to hermaphrodites and she-males bear witness to
Roger's gender identity confusion.

Roger also greatly values social and economic status, which he sorely
lacks. His targets are frequently those who have more education, more
wealth, and more popularity than he enjoys, or most likely, will ever

Anyone can readily grasp the significance of Roger's poverty. His
economic status is lower than low, and in fact he is economically
deprived in one of the US's most impoverished States. Perhaps that is
why he appears to be a vile racist ("******-dick sucking kike") as well
as an ati-semite. People who share Roger's lack of social status
usually focus equally on the members of both the lowest and highest
rungs of economic status. His fear of being branded as a Jew stems from
his surname, which is widely known to have its roots in European Jewry,
despite Roger's reliance on a fake website that preys on ignorant rubes
in search of a valid coat of arms.

Roger's hatred of women is well documented, by his ex-wife and deceased
caregiver whom he beat with some regularity. This is characteristic of
homosexual rage, impotence, and general incompetence with the opposite

The best way to handle a personality of this type is to beat him down,
to illustrate his utter inferiority, lack of masculinity, and his
generally defective lack of wit, charm, intelligence, and personality.

This subject could be analyzed further, but is not of sufficient
interest except in a limited way to those interested in OCD as it
relates to homosexual repression. Thank you for this most interesting
consult and good luck with the court ordered castration.


Geno Paris, M.D.


Chief Norman Stenger, GlenDale PD
Lloyd Davies
Dave Heil
FCC Enforcement Bureau
Numerous (former) ISPs

Writing samples:
N.I.M. Busters

2005 (c) Geno Paris Enterprises