Thread: Voice of Russia
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Old April 24th 05, 02:58 AM
Posts: n/a

Try these...

1300-1400 : 4405, 9325, 7570, 11710,12015

1500-1600: 3560, 4405, 7570, 9335

I've heard it a few times during the 1300 -1400 slot. I havent listened for
it recently, though. When I did hear it, they constantly mention the
"glorious leader, KJI".


"Night Owl" wrote in message
On Sat, 23 Apr 2005 12:22:03 -0400, "Michael"
wrote the following in


Still.... I really miss that gaudy Soviet propaganda. Ahhhh... Those were
the golden days of shortwave listening.

Speaking of propaganda, is it possible to pick up Radio Pyongyang or
other North Korean stations from the US?

Back in the late 70's and early 80's I was stationed in Korea, and we
used to love to listen to the propaganda broadcasts form the North.
They used to call us "the running dogs of capitalist imperialism" so
many times we lost count!