Freebanders in Trouble
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April 24th 05, 12:55 PM
Posts: n/a
Nomen Nescio wrote:
You freebanders better knock it off.
The FCC just formed a Freeband Strike Unit, and they
already cited a bunch of Freebanders.
They are looking into no code techs like you
They got N8WWM already.
If you see the fugly felon doug at Dayton ask him these questions.
(he will be attempting to sell some trash there if I didn't
scare him away again)
1. How is the court ordered shrink working out for you?
2. How's the court ordered job hunt going?
3. How's the court ordered wage withholding going?
4. Have you made the rain report for jamming repeaters again, Doug?
5. Have you threatened to kick anyone elses ass, only to have them show
up at your section 8 slum and prove what a ****ing coward you are, maggot?
Here's what the felon looks like:
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