AM Antenna Problem
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April 25th 05, 05:36 AM
Tony Meloche
Posts: n/a
I can pick up 640 kHz on my radios.I don't know what kind of a station
it is though.I hear some Spanish music but it comes in faint.The station
is either Northwest (Colorado,perhaps?) or Southeast of me.
I see nothing NW of you at appreciable wattage on that frequency -
and I can see no stations in Colorado at 640 (though I do use a cutoff
on my list).
SE of you, I would consider Cuba strongly. Plenty of blowtorch
stations, including on that frequency, and the Spanish music would go
without saying. The same could be said of Mexico, but if I understand
you correctly, base on your post, Mexico is a "null" direction from you
when you are hearing this station.
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