In 1972,my old buddy and I drove to Sublette,Kansas in my 1957 Ford
Thunderbird car and I paid a guy in Sublette $700.00 cash for a 1931
Ford four door car.I later on traded that car plus $300.00 for a 1939
Ford fastback two door car.At Scott Air Force Base,Illinois,I paid an
Air Force officer $350.00 cash for a 1958 BMW Isetta car,I still have
the manual and some papers on that Isetta car right here,it was a woman
who was the original owner of that car when she bought it brand spanking
new.When I found out I was going to Vietnam,I sold that Isetta car to a
Captain Ryan in the U.S.Army at Scott Air Force Base (same last name as
mine) for $125.00.Let me tell y'all,that Isetta car was not safe to
drive or ride in at all! Going across that old bridge that used to be
across the Mississippi river (the Eads Bridge,I that was the name of
that Bridge,it has since been replaced with a new Bridge nowdays,I saw a
program on tv about it a few years ago) from Illinois to St.Louis and in
wet/rainy weather and that steel open grate roadway in that Bridge and
my Isetta car skating around on there,I was glad to get rid of that
Isetta car!,believe you me! I hope nobody got killed in that little
eggshell of a car! There was an Air Force woman who worked at the
U.S.O.building at Scott Air Force Base and she was always after me to
sell her my Isetta car.Sometimes at Scott,some guys would pick up my
little Isetta car (it only weighed about 700 pounds) and they would tote
it over behind one of them evergreen trees and hide it from me.I would
step outside wondering where they hid my car now!