I also find the local fleamarket interesting, It's
also a year round place with semipermanent vendors
indoors and weekly venors outdoors, weather permitting.
A year ago I went there Early one saturday and on the
left of the main ntrance was a sign "electrical equipmwnt"
so I went ver and it was mostly test gear, some
remote control toys and a corner in the back that had a sign "make an
offer". I guess it was my luck day because I founs a brown box
with a serial number on its side. I carefully opened it and found out
it was a NEW SONY ICF-2010 ! It was brsnd new. I brought it up
to barter with the guy. He opened it up and said "gimmee a hundred".
i didn't feel like argueing so I handed him the money and it
now sits in my shack, works great.
You never know what you'll find at the larger flea markets.
The thrify store in my area don't have much worthwile
in electronics.
Essex, Maryland
Drake R8B w/soundsweet speaker
RF Sysyems EMF Antenna
MW handmade DX loop antenna
Sony ICF-2010 portable