the grundig is a fair radio. the sangean is a little better. the sony
will come closer to what you want for performance and is really in a
class above the other two. dont forget that the sony doesnt have a
rotary knob like the other two radios have. for a serious listening
post you should get a table top receiver. that will be expensive,
requires some skills and knowledge and is tied to one place permanently.
because of the radios that you considered first my guess is that you
arent ready to invest that heavily in sw just yet. it would be
unfortunate to spend a lot of cash and then find out that you arent
having as much fun as you thought you would have. i would get that sony
7600gr now so that you can listen anywhere, at any time. its an above
average portable that wont break the bank. you should work your way up
over time. you will reach a level where you are comfortable without
overdoing it. many of us own several radios that reflect our changing
needs. you have your whole life to drop several thousand on a high end
radio. spend under two hundred and have fun now!