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Old October 28th 03, 07:25 PM
Phil Witt
Posts: n/a
Default What do we make of this?

Received this email this morning::

Good Morning, Dear Friend,

Our local Religious Community contains several radio amateurs and they
adviced us to appeal to you.

As a result of a big weather-catastrophe happened in the previous year
we lost everything. Now almost everything is repaired, but we are
still experiencing great difficulties in radio hi-fi equipment for
listening to Religious Music.

Therefore we would be more than pleased if you could help us with any
old hi-fi audio equipment which you don't use anymore such as a
turntable, power amplifier, etc., and send it to our postal address

Oleg Tiknonov,
P.O. Box 18.
Kaluga 248600.

In a gratitude for your help, we would be happy to send you a
professional Russian communication receiver - Volna K from the
personal collection of our member.

We pray for your help and we hope to hear from you soon.

God Bless You,

Oleg Tikhonov.
Kaluga. Russia.