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Old April 26th 05, 05:56 PM
Stephen M.H. Lawrence
Posts: n/a

"NOVFP" wrote in message
passtor peate petters tell the truthe about them nasty jues they are
all kahazarhars and they rule ammerica and when i get my genirael
lisenze i will call the graete leberety net and get keven strume to
tell about it to0

Aha! The "Filthy Khazar Jews," once again.

Tell us all about them, the world wants to know! Tell us about
the "world banking conspiracy" while you're at it, Lloyd.

But give us all a minute to put on our tinfoil hats.


Steve Lawrence
Burnsville, Minnesota

Every moment of a human life is an act
of worship.

Coincidence is God's way of being anonymous.