bb wrote:
K4YZ wrote:
I gave you dates, places, callsigns, Brain. That's far more
information on ONE topic than YOU have ever presented on ALL the
YOU have been challenged on!
But nice try!
And I gave you the combination to the safe at Ft. Knox.
You very well may have. But I ahve no desire to even see Ft Knox
from a distance.
On the otherhand, YOU have asked for evidence of my MARS
participation. You were given all the particulars. In 2003 they were
enough for you. In 2005 you can't seem to connect the dots. Your
problem, Brain.
Your words, your rules, your "etiquette" makes you the liar.
Nope. Information was requested...Information
provided...Actually, you ALREADY had the information in your
couple years ago, as a matter of fact, and it seemed to be quite
adequate for you then.
Your own "say so" isn't documentation. Scan the letter of
for your "ANCOIC" of Okinawa MARS. Post the link for all to see.
There is no "letter of appointment" for such assignments, Brain.
But you're certainly welcome to follow the information you were given
and see who the ranking and the next-ranking MARS NCO's were at the
times I gave you.
I guess I am going to just have to sit down with you and
some basic math and etiquette, Brain
If you knew any.
We'll just have to sit down and I'll teach you, Brian.
LOT for you to learn, though.
You wish to be my mentor? Should I start calling you "Lying Putz!"
Why? I am not about to change my name to "Leonard H. Anderson".
I don't know why you insist on lying yourself and then trying
up stories about others lying.
Steve, make no mistake, you are a documented liar.
There's no mistake, Brain...I'm not.
There must be. You've just lied again.
I have made mistakes...Owned up to them, acknowledged them.
current item on the NON-US "military" use of Q signals for example.
was a long stretch, and he had to dig to find that one...
Now wait a minute, Slippery Steve. If the manual is for "allied
forces" aren't we allied to them as well? Why would we have them
communicating with us using one set of protocols, and we to them with
You've made more dodges recently than the Chrysler plant. Hi!
YOU, on the otherhand, have made COUNTLESS errors, and not
NOT acknowledged them, but tried to defend them as "valid". THAT
from being an "error" to being a "LIE".
But we're discussing your errors, your accusations, your words, your
rules, your logic, and your lies!
I haven't lied. A lie is an intentional effort to decieve. I have
made no intentional effort to deceive.
Where I have been proven wrong on issues, I have corrected the
error and acknowledged it.
On the other hand, we have you and Lennie and Y E A R S of
stories not only laid bare, but aggressively defended as "right" even
when PROVEN wrong. THAT is a lie.
And so far, you've not proven that intent.
It's pathetic that you can't live up to your own expectations of
others. You're not a straw boss anymore, just a strawman.
Nope. Sorry, Brain, but no matter how hard you try to shake this,
you've not proven a thing. No matter how loud yuo yell or how hard you
try to re-direct, you're still a loooooong way behind being truthful.
But that's OK....Your kids will read these some day and
see what an unethical toad you really are, Brain.
I'm sure your children are proud of their daddy.
Their daddy isn't lying repeatedly in a public forum.
You aren't your childrens father?
I am. And I am not lying in a public forum.
Hans showed you to be a liar going back a long way. Today's lies
just a continuation of the lying that you started a long, long
There's a difference. Hans found an error. Provided a
I acknowledged that and "stood corrected".
You dodged!
Dodging is trying to make excuses or redirect from the facts. I
admitted that I was wrong and his reference was right.
Just the opposite of when YOU said ARES was "overblown" and they'd
never respond in a true emergency. I provided media releases of
CURRENT events that disproved your assertion.
And just the opposite of when you insisted that "all the techs have
been chased away"... You've not yet answered "who" allegedly chased
them away and where they went.
You, on the otherhand, still have not acknowledged your
going back a loooooooooooooooooooong time before anything I
Again, Slippery Steve, this is about you, your words, your rules,
logic, and your expectations of others being applied to you.
So far you've not answered a sngle question about ANY of your
assertions, claims or other fables, Brain.
On the otherhand I've given you exact information on
I've MORE that filled in the blanks for you...You DID ask for
"callsigns" initially, and then when you GOT what you wanted, you tried
to change the game...Sorry.
You fail the test! Your own test! The test you wrote!
I ahven't written any "test", brain, so here we have YOU in a fable
Try again, Brain. You've "proved" that you have the desire to
continue your course of mistruths and deceit.
Brian P Burke IS a deceitful person. Deal with it.
Sucks to be Steven J Robeson/K4ZY/K4CAP/K4MARS
I've never been K4ZY, I haven't been K4CAP in 2 years, and I guess
we know what your "K4MARS" suggestion is, now don't we, Brain...???
Steve, K4YZ