Thread: bearcat 800xlt
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Old April 27th 05, 05:08 PM
Bill Crocker
Posts: n/a

Hi Dan:

It's probably not a good idea to attach your name, and email address to a
message related to illegal activity. That being said, save your money. The
BC800-XLT is a very old scanner, with minimal features, and performance, by
today's standards. It's solder joints are probably beginning to fail, as
well as capacitors, with age. In addition to that, although it does cover
the portion of the spectrum you mention, I don't believe the stepping rate
is correct for the cellular band. So it would be hit, and miss, at best,
skipping a lot of channels, and possibly not performing very well on the
ones it does find. As the other post mentions, the majority of cell phones
are no longer analog, and have moved to digital, and you would not be able
to receive the digital ones at all. If you did accomplish your task, you'd
find the novelty to wear off fast. If you want to listen to people bitch at
each other, work in an office! LOL!!!

Bill Crocker

"Daniel Rzonca" wrote in message
Good morning everyone

I don't know if anyone can help me on this. Does the old bearcat 800xlt
receive clear cellular and cordless telephone calls? Just. Curious
