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Old April 28th 05, 10:38 AM
Posts: n/a

bb wrote:
K4YZ wrote:
Well, Brain, since you chose to respond "twice" to the same post
(couldn't make up your mind which insult to try...?!?!, I guess

respond to both in one...

Multitasking from a guy with multiple personalities? Should be a

of cake for you.

Actually, anything having to do with humiliating you comes
easily...But as I said before, I can't take the credit...You DO make it
so easy to do...

I left the other post intact at the bottom of this one for
comparison...What happened...?!?!? Just so impressed with yourself

wanted to see more? Or realized that you failed the first time

you took a second shot...?!?!

Google was hiccupping earlier, so I replied a second time.

Uh huh...suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure, Brain.

You're the #1 agitator.

And your other "answer":

On rra.CB, you'd be known as an "Agitator."

Perhaps. But being an "agitatior" does not mean being a liar.

You're that, too.

No. I'm not, but it seems to make you happy to say it over and

Since you can't be truthful, you might as well be happy!

But I don't want people to call me Capt. Obvious, or turn me in to

the SPCA for beating a dead horse.

Too late, Brain...There's dried body fluids all over the place.

I know the answer, I just want to hear your answer. Hi!

I have enough testosterone

Enough??? You think? You're like a powder keg. Maybe you ought to
have estrogen therapy.

Nope. I already work in an estrogen rich enviroment.

to be able to put my picture up for
public display...And know your "flabby" and "obese" comments are

the lie they are by it.

Nice try, though...and the previously aired cheap shots at the
organization also duly noted...

You failed to answer the question, so I'll ask it again: Why?

I did answer the question. And you ahd the information in your
hands a long time ago and it was enough then.

Your only point now is to try and change the parameters in order
to continue an argument.

You underestimate everyone but yourself. Why?

I underestimate no one. Including you. If anything, I
OVERestimate you...

I know the answer, I just want to hear your answer. Hi!

Hi to you to, but we were already talking.....

I have made an informed decision. Until that time when you post
official documentation, it will remain "alledged."

No "alleged" to it, Brain.

Alleged until you post authentic documentation.

Right after we get all the documentation we've been asking from
YOU for YEARS...

However I HAVE given you the information from which to make an
independent determination. You refuse to act on it.

Adds coward to liar, doesn't it...???

Ooops...We already did. Guess you get an extra dose.

You've been given dates, times and specifics. Any police
detective would be laughing all the way to court with that much
"evidence", but you can't seem to connect the dots. Need crayons?

Need authentic letter of appointment. Got one?

Had one. You can get a copy of your own by asking Chief Navy MARS
or AFMARS. You've got both my calls. You can ask CG 1st MAW about my
Okinawa tour.

Or don't you ha the guts to start "dialing..."...?!?!

Brian...make no mistake...

I can hold my head up.

Glad to hear your motor skills are adequate. No back or neck brace
noted in flight suit photo.

I make mistakes, but I also acknowledge
them when I do and move on.

Then why cannot you live up to what you DEMAND from others?

And what have YOU EVER provided other than opportunities to
make fun of, Brain?

Still waiting on some verification of your Somalia legitimacy.

Wondering where that "major comms" factsheet is too.

And guess that wherever they chased those Techs to, they came back
already...I never noticed they were missing.

ARES doesn't seem to have gotten the message that they are too
overblown or unwilling to respond since others keep applauding their
efforts at every response they make good on.

Etc etc etc.

Were those demands mistakes? If so, do take the time to acknowledge
it, apologize for it. The day you start acting like a human being
instead of a complete jackass is the day you'll be treated as a human
being. the Todd Factor starts. Unable to get me to waiver
from my opinion, you start in on the profanity.

There's one of those here, Todd...I mean Brian, but it's not me.
It's the lying little coward who keeps making assertions that he can't
substantiate. You'll see him when you shave again....

You do not. THAT is documented. Over and over and over.

You do not, documented again and again, over and over. On the

it looks like you hold to a double-standard. But when I look deeper,
it gets much, much worse.

To what double standard do you refer, Brain?

I've been after you for years to make good on any number of silly
assertions you've made and not a word from you.

You demanded information from me. I gave it to you. And having
GOT that information, you try to redirect.


You have the specifics of when I was in MARS, the callsigns,

I was when I had those calls

Silly Gunny, I need to see an authentic letter of appointment. Got
one? (hint: look in that shoebox full of medals.)

The box is full of collectables.

The papers are with the organizations from which I used to belong.

Stop being a coward and look yourself.

and what I was doing.

As far as what you were doing? Obviously not MARS communications or
you just might know a little something about MARS. Hi!

Now go find that letter of appointment and post it for all to see.

Right after you answer the questions that I've been asking you for
YEARS, Brain...

Bad redirect. Try again.

Steve, K4YZ