bb wrote:
K4YZ wrote:
You can stop both at any time. I encourage you to do so.
Stop yourself, Brain. You're the one who is always "fixated"
"homosexual" themes
I do not make such comments. You do, and it's all archived.
I ask you to stop. Will you?
YOU are the one who mentions homosexuality, Brain. If you infer
homosexuality becasue I suggest that your political intamacy with two
others here has a familial overtone, then that's YOUR interpretation...
Nurse, heal thyself.
Of what...???
Whatever ails you.
I feel fine.
You're the one making suggestions that I am diverting
for personal consumption, Brain.
No, I didn't.
Sure you did.
But I wouldn't want you around "sharps" either.
I am around them all the time. Been doing direct patient care for
over 20 years and never once injured my self, a patient or a colleague
with a medical device of any kind.
I am offering to let you watch them
go step by step through a drug screen test. That is, in a sense, a
"lie detector"...
Post authentic documentation of your claims.
Post yours. The ones you've been making and have been challenged
on for Y E A R S....
Wouldn't it be easier to post the required MARS documentation?
required "7 hostile actions" documentation?
You were gien more than enough information, Brain. If I had
sometimes 30 year old documents to show you, I would, just becasue
know how humiliating it would be to you.
Then do so. We are waiting.
And you will continue to wait. However you HAVE the information in
hand to make an independant verification of my claims.
Do so or admit cowardice.
Do you need the addresses for Navy and AF MARS? CG 1st MAW?
Guess not because there is no documentation, it didn't happen.
Did happen.
But you've made the claim numerous times (of other people) that if
authentic documentation is not produced, then the action never
happened, and the person is forever a liar.
I've asked for information that verifies claims, Brain.
Like the name of the OIC who allegedly gave you permission to
operate in Somalia.
And where those Techs went...
And what substantiates your "ARES is overblown" statement in the
face of federal money being spent on them and "responses" being made
every day.
And what response plans include Part 15/95 devices as "major"
Is this Robeson Rule no longer valid? If not, why?
There was never a "rule", Brain...And if there was, you never
played by it anyway. You continue to make assinine assertions
unsubstantiated by any fact.
You have the information in hand. Why do you insist
that you don't? Everyone here can see you lying, Brain. Why
perpetuate yet ANOTHER mistruth?
And I am sure you find the idea that anyone might want to
communicate with your other family members "creepy"....
All kinds of people communicate with my family. You are not one
I find you creepy. Stay away from my family.
Your family will come to me, Brain...By way of reading what
transpired in these exchanges. I don't ahve to go within 100,000
of them...It's YOUR words and YOUR actions that they will see.
I don't expect you to stay 100,000 miles away from my family.
Good. Because I am only about 550 miles away. And even if I
COULD be 100K miles away, it will STILL be your words and your actions
that they see...
I don't. She looks over my shoulder from time to time and her
exact words are "Which one of those idiots are you arguing with
Hehehe. Same here.
I have no doubt she see you tying, Brain. I have SERIOUS doubts
that she's read any of it.
No doubt your kids will find out soon enough, eh...?!?!
For help, I hope.
Steve, K4YZ
Stay away!
I keep telling you over and over, Brain...I DON'T HAVE TO GET
YOU! It's YOUR words and actions that your friends, family
loved ones will see. Probably from YOUR computer in YOUR
Fair enough.
And then they will get to know the same Brain that we have come
know and...Well..Make fun of...
Steve, K4YZ
I hope you've learned to laugh at yourself these past few weeks
the rest of us sure have.
Always, but not for the reasons you think, I am sure...
Steve, K4YZ