I Know! the difference between how Crocodiles and Alligators look! It
the difference between their Noses and Eyes.I didn't click on your
"wisegeek" **** either! I don't need to! YOU DAMN MORON!!!!!!
You certainly have a way with words, so eloquent!
If you had clicked on the hyperlink, you would have found out that
there are no crocodiles in Mississippi, plenty of alligators though.
Speaking of morons, I understand that the ISM (International Society of
Morons) is having their annual meeting in Jackson, I would imagine that
since you are the president, you probably used your influence to hold
it there this year.
5'6" 280 Lbs. My goodness, you don't sound like the "Hansom Larry"
(your spelling)that you describe yourself to the "Wimmins" (your
spelling again)
Your Owner