On Wed, 27 Apr 2005 23:41:04 +0000 (UTC), Geoffrey S. Mendelson wrote:
Jews out there can not participate (for example, me) because
it's during the Sabbath. Seems like WWII got rid of the NAZI's but
Brittish antisematism still lives on as strong as ever.
Some Jewish hams will not operate the radio on the Sabbath or other
holy days. Others will. It's up to the individual to make the
determination of what one will or will not do on those days. We
don't have a Pope or equivalent to make that determination for us.
I am an educated and practicing Jew (Conservative/Masorti Movement)
and I have no problem working ham radio during those hours where I
am not conducting or attending services in the synagogue or doing
other family-oriented things. It is, after all, the rest and
relaxation which is the object of the Sabbath. It's not "business".
Others may feel differently and that's OK for them as long as they
do not try to impose their interpretation on me.
As far as the British --- no argument from me !!
73 de K2ASP / 4X4UQ (inactive) - Phil Kane