So in other words it is up to the control operator to determine what
goes through his or hir...
radio, not some dumb###es on some newsgroup on the internet! It not my
fault if some slimy little weasel want to use a national organization
like the ###HOLE RADIO RELAY LEAGUE (ARRL) and the FCC to supress
someone speech because he is a die hard communist.
Todd, you claim to be some champion of free speech, yet you are
constantly railing agains the ARRL...An organization that has not said
ONE word about you or your idiotic shows.
Not a ONE of the people, myeself included, has alleged to speak on
behalf of the League.
So why do you keep insisting that the ARRL is somehow trying to
suppress your "free speech", when it's so blatantly clear that the
organization could care less about Todd McDaugherty...????
Steve, K4YZ